Food Design Workshop
Lo//ac is an innovative cooking workshop where you can buy the food, cook it and have it, all in the same place.
Transition Town is a new scenario that regards the future of food economy. The focus is on the territory and the aim is moving from global to local production. Transition Town wants to promote local economy as opposed to an oil based system. What is more, it strongly believes in comunity and sharing.
So Lo//ac intent is the re-discovery of the antropological meaning of cooking together and sharing meals because this experience invites people to exchange information and tradition about food, thus building a common heritage.
Zone 1: you can register and create a personal profile. With this account you have the possibility to make a shopping list,consult recepies and create your own diet program.

Zone 2: users buy what they want to cook for their meal, while they can have information about the producers of the different foods and also about their nutritional values.

Zone 3: this area is equipped with some kitchens where people can prepare their meals. These posts are shared with other users facilitating conversation and information exchange. Finally, each kitchen is provided with a tablet support to guide people while cooking their recepies.

Zone 4: in this area people sit around tables together to have their meal, but it can be also a place where they can work or just relax.
Angela Fracas - Isia Roma Design in Pordenone 


Food workshop
